
Belyov pastila is an old Russian delicacy. It is made according to a special recipe since 1881 in the city of Belyov, Tula region. Apple sauce is baked in a special way in Russian ovens. All the useful properties of the product are preserved throughout the year. The factory-museum “Old Traditions” revived the production of real Belyov pastila. Having tried it once , you will be with us forever.
An unusual dessert that successfully wins the hearts of consumers due to the distinct natural taste of fresh fruit. The juicy sweet and sour apple is exquisitely combined with the natural aromas of apricot, cinnamon, wild berries, and the delicate powdered sugar effectively emphasizes the rather daring taste with a sweet, like honey, charm. Externally, Belyov pastila resembles a lush layered biscuit, but natural ingredients and strict adherence to the old recipe do not allow us to call this delicacy so simply.

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